08/09 march 2025
starts: Saturday 18:00 UTC
ends: Sunday 05:59 UTC
The 12th Tesla Memorial HF CW Contest will be held on 08/09 March 2025
We invite all competitors to take part in this traditional contest in order to mark the great work of Nikola Tesla, Serbian scientist, who changed the world. The rules are unchanged and you can see them at the link TM HF CW 2025 rules.
In the hope that you will join the competition, we wish you a lot of satisfaction during contest and of course success in the contest.
Contest software, call histories and latest updates can be viewed at Contest software page.
Contest Committee
Tesla Memorial HF CW
The 11th Tesla Memorial HF CW Contest will be held on 09/10 March 2024
We invite all competitors to take part in this traditional contest in order to mark the great work of Nikola Tesla, Serbian scientist, who changed the world. The rules are unchanged and you can see them at the link TM HF CW 2024 rules.
In the hope that you will join the competition, we wish you a lot of satisfaction during contest and of course success in the contest.
Contest software, call histories and latest updates can be viewed at Contest software page.
Contest Committee
Tesla Memorial HF CW 2024
The 10th Tesla Memorial HF CW Contest will be held on 11/12 March 2023
We invite all competitors to take part in this traditional contest in order to mark the great work of Nikola Tesla, Serbian scientist, who changed the world. The rules are unchanged and you can see them at the link TM HF CW 2023 rules.
We think it is good to announce the results of the previous competition about 15 days before the competition, as it used to be done. However, the practice in most competitions is to publish the results as soon as possible, so we will do our best to publish the results for this competition earlier.
In the hope that you will join the competition, we wish you a lot of satisfaction during contest and of course success in the contest.
Contest software, call histories and latest updates can be viewed at Contest software page.
Contest Committee
Tesla Memorial HF CW 2023
The 9th Tesla Memorial HF CW Contest will be held on 12/13 March 2022
We invite all competitors to take part in this traditional contest in order to mark the great work of Nikola Tesla, Serbian scientist, who changed the world. The rules are unchanged and you can see them at the link TM HF CW 2022 rules.
In the hope that you will join the competition, we wish you a lot of satisfaction during contest and of course success in the contest.
Contest software, call histories and latest updates can be viewed at Contest software page.
Contest Committee
Tesla Memorial HF CW 2022
Tesla Memorial HF CW Contest 2021
The 8th Tesla Memorial will be held in 2021 on the second weekend in March (March 13/14).
The rules have not been changed for 3 years and according to the experience from last year, the rules are generally accepted.
We invite all interested radio amateurs to take part in this contest, which is quite different from most other contests.
Detailed contest rules can be found at the link 2021 Contest rules.
We will do our best to publish the results earlier than before, although we thought it would be good to publish the results before the new contest in order to raise the tension. We wish everyone a lot of success in the contest.
CU in the contest
The Tesla Memorial HF CW contest is being held this year for the seventh time starting at 1800 UTC on Saturday March 14 and running through Sunday March 15 until 0559 UTC.
We invite radio amateures all over the world to join this competition and thus maintain the memory of the great scientist Nikola Tesla.
CU in the contest
Tesla Memorial HF CW contest will be held this March 09/10 starting at 18:00 UTC. The rules for this year have been changed in several points.
The bands that may be used are 80m band and 40m band. The points for each QSO are calculated in such a way that the distances between the two QTH grids are divided into 10 ranges and each range carries a certain number of points. This rule is explained in detail in the rules of the contest.
The number of categories is increased, but awarded will be WW first places in categories that involve work on 2 bands.
Detailed rules can be found in the menu under "Contest rules".
We invite all radio amateurs of the world to take a part in this contest.
CU in the contest.
The rules of the contest were not changed in comparison with the previous years, except in the part dealing with rewarding participants. This year rules can be viewed on the link http://www.radiosport.org.rs/HFTeslaMemorial/index.php/rules Changes provides more opportunities for winning awards.
We invite radio amateurs all over the world to take a part in this competition in order to preserve the memory of the famous scientist Nikola Tesla.
CU in the contest.
In February 2018, were published final results with the possibility of downloading certificates in electronic format (PDF).
On this occasion we would like to thank the donors of the trophy for certain categories:
Radio Club "Novi Sad" YU7BPQ and Siniša Radulović YU1RA
Thank you for participating in the competition and sending the logs.
CU in the next competition.
This 2016th year, the contest will be held in the year when we celebrate 160 years since the birth of Nikola Tesla. On that occasion, a special event station with a call sign YUØTESLA will take a part of contest. With the experience of the previous 2 years, in order to improve the quality of competition, the Contest Committee made minor changes of the contest rules, especially in the section where are regulated categories. Please familiarize yourself with the new rules, which are posted on this site.
On this occasion we would like to thank the clubs and individuals who donated some of the trophies in order to support this competition
In particular we would like to thank:
DK8ZZ/YT3ZZ who sponsored World MO-Single TX (2014)
YU1RA/YUØA who sponsored Asia - Single Op. (2014)
FOX Contest Club who sponsored World -Club competition (2014)
YU7BPQ (RC Novi Sad) who sponsored World SO-HP, World SO-LP, World SO-HP time limited (2015)
YU1LM/QRP who sponsored World SO-QRP (2015)
YU1FJK (RC Novi Beograd) who sponsored World SO-LP time limited, Europe-SO LP (2015)
YU1MM who sponsored Asia SO-LP time limited (2015)
Contest Club Serbia who sponsored World MO-Single TX (2015)
Serbian CW Club who sponsored World -Club competition (2015)
Dear contester `s
We have prepared for you a new World Wide contest, which at first glance looks like the other contests. In most cases, HF contest are All bands, have multipliers and bonus points for a particular continent or country. In this contest there is no multiplier, there is no predetermined number of points (one, two, three, six, etc..), no bonus points and no penalty. In this contest the number of points depends only on the geographical distances between stations. Our plan is that this contest become traditionally and will be held every year, every second weekend in March.
The contest is dedicated to Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), the great scientist and inventor, and therefore we invite you to take part in the third Tesla Memorial HF CW Contest.
Poštovani takmičari
Pripremili smo za vas novo World Wide takmičenje koje samo na prvi pogled liči ostalim takmičenjima. U većini slučajeva KT takmičenja su "All bands", imaju množitelje i bonus poene za određene kontinente ili zemlje. U ovom takmičenju nema množtelja, nema unapred određenog broja poena za vezu (1, 2, 3, 6, itd.), nema bonus poena i nema kaznenih poena. U ovom takmičenju broj poena zavisi isključivo od geografske razdaljine između stanica. Plan nam je da ovo takmičenje bude tradicionalno i održavaće se svake godine drugog vikenda u martu.
Takmičenje smo posvetili Nikoli Tesli (1856-1943), velikom naučniku i pronalazaču, te vas pozivamo da uzmete učešće u trećem Tesla Memorial HF CW takmičenju.
Last Updated on Friday, 21 February 2025 22:38