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TESLA Memorial HF CW Contest

Contest rules 2018

March 10-11, 2018

Savez radio-amatera Srbije (Amateur Radio Union of Serbia) - SRS is pleased to invite you to participate in the 5th "TESLA Memorial HF CW Contest".

1. Objective: For amateurs World wide to contact as many amateurs as possible during the contest period.

2. Contest Period:

Starts: 18:00 UTC Saturday March 10

Ends: 05:59 UTC Sunday March 11

3. Bands: Only the 3.5 MHz bands may be used.

4. Mode: Only CW.

5. Entry Categories:

5.1. Multi Operator Single Transmitter (MULTI-ONE) High power

5.2. Single Operator High power

5.3. Single Operator Low power

5.4. Single Operator QRP

Clubs competition: The club must be a local group and not a national organization. One entry can contribute to only one club.

6. General:

All operation will be within the limits of the station national license.

Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time.

Use of any IP network for remote receiving, including WEB controlled receivers, is not permitted.

High power - Total output power must not exceed 1500 watts.

Low power - Total output power must not exceed 100 watts.

QRP - Total output power must not exceed 5 watts.

7. Exchange: RST report plus a progressive contact serial number (starting with 001 for the first contact) plus a first four characters of WW QTH locator (grid square). Example: 599 002 JP32.

The contest exchange (CALL, RST report, QSO number and WW QTH locator) shall be sent and confirmed only during the QSO.

8. Contact Points:

The number of QSO points for each contact depends on the distance between the two stations. This is computed by taking the distance

between the centers of the two WW QTH locators (grid squares). Points will be scored on the basis of one point per kilometer.

Contact between stations from the same WW QTH locator is worth 90 points.

Final score is sum of all QSO points.

If your software does not compute the QSO points, our automated WEB service log checking software will do this.

QSO points are not recognized for:

- incorrectly logged calls (Bad Call)

- incorrectly logged exchange numbers

- incorrectly logged QTH locators

- QSO is not present in the other station log (NIL)

- dupe QSO

- Unique Calls, unless the organizer has a log of participant which would have been declared as UNIQUE CALL.

- time difference between entrant's log and other station's log must not exceed 3 min.

Penalties for errors shall not apply.

9. Awarding
Plaques will be awarded to continental winners in each of the categories.

The plaques will be awarded to winners from Europe with more than 150 recognized QSOs, and QRP with more than 100 recognized QSOs.

The plaques will be awarded to winners from other continents with more than 80 recognized QSOs and QRP with more than 50 recognized QSOs.

Certificates: Electronic PDF certificates will be awarded to all. Printed certificates will be sent to the participants on demand.

10. Instructions for Logs:

10.1. The log must contain the following for each contact: date, correct time in UTC, frequency (or band), call, exchange sent (RST, Nr, QTH Loc.), and exchange received. A log without all required information will be reclassified to checklog.

10.2. Logs are accepted in Cabrillo electronic format only.

10.3. Filename of your log should be yourcall.LOG or .CBR or .TXT. Example: YU1SRS.log

10.4. WEB upload or e-mail is the expected method of log submission.

Please upload your Cabrillo log through a special form on our WEB page:

If you have problem please sent your log in Cabrillo format as an attachment to tesla(at) . Include only your call sign and QTH loc. in the “Subject:” line of your e-mail. Example: YU1SRS KN04.

All logs received via WEB or e-mail will be confirmed via e-mail. A listing of logs received and claimed scores will published after end of log submmiting time.

10.5. Every participant who sends his log will receive personal UBN-list with confirmed result.

11. Deadline: All entries must be submitted no later than march 16, 2018 at 23.59 UTC.

12. Declaration: By submitting an entry in the Tesla Memorial HF CW Contest you agree that:

1) You have read and understood the rules of the contest and agree to be bound by them.

2) You have operated according to all rules and regulations of your country that pertain to amateur radio.

3) Your log entry may be made open to the public.

4) All actions and decisions of the Tesla Memorial HF CW Contest Committee are official and final.


Questions pertaining to the Tesla Memorial Contest may be e-mailed via tmmanager(at)




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2024-03-09 18:00 UTC
2024-03-10 05:59 UTC

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N1MM Contest Logging Software
SD by EI5DI Contest Logging Software
DXLog by 9A5K Contest Logging Software
GenLog by W3KM Contest Logging Software
UCX Log by DL7UCX Contst Logging Software